Welcome stranger!

Project maintained by hasanheroglu Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Hey there stranger! I'm Hasan. I'm an adaptable, ambitious Computer Engineering graduate, soon to get an MSc. from the Technical University of Munich. I participated in exciting courses during my Master’s degree that improved my skills in the field of Software Engineering. I am interested in Software Development, Testing, and automating the development cycles. At the moment, I am working on my thesis “Private Preferences for Smart Environments based on Web of Things” using Web of Things and Solid protocol. Here, in this page, you can see the various projects I did and contributed. You can also reach my LinkedIn here.


Contact me from hasanheroglu@gmail.com



Web Applications


A web-based poll application I made with my peers Berk Kaan Bilir, Ilmiye Elisa Pasaoglu and Orhan Hancer for our Software Engineering (BLG411E) course at ITU. Spring Boot and React.js is used for implementation of the project.


Source code of the frontend implementation is here.

Source code of backend implementation is here.

Movie Database Web Application

A web-based movie database application I made during my internship at OBSS. Spring Boot and React.js is used for implementation of the project.


Source code of the frontend implementation is here.

Source code of backend implementation is here.